Advantage of Rooting Your Android Device

What does rooting an android device actual mean?

In simple words, rooting means getting root access or Controlling your device. You may have paid more or less for your Android device, but it’s worth noting that how much you pay, the internals of the device is still locked away.
Assume it as an android device with a user account. You want to take full advantage of most of the features, due to internal lock you can’t, so basically rooting an android device means opening the internals of the device i.e, controlling your android device. The picture describes the actual meaning of the root in a simple way.

Image Source-Google, image by

Rooting an android device gives you total control over the entire Android System. By rooting you can use all the blocked features and tools, but rooting your android device have some Risks too, as lots of the blocked features and tools are there to protect you from malware, so once you rooted your android device you won’t have the protection of malware as before you get in the Un-rooted android device(s).
So in this article, apart from some risks, we will cover up some Useful benefits of rooting your android device(s).

#The advantages of rooting Android Device(s)


#1- Rooting Android Device(s) – Customs installation Of ROMs:

You can install a custom ROM or Kernel after rooting your android device, which means you get a new device software-wise not hardware-wise. Actually, custom installation of ROMs probably the biggest reason for people to root their android devices. Custom ROMs give your device several performance fixes and tweaks to your Android System, Custom ROMs are more user-friendly than the stock ones. Customs ROMs are well optimized for battery, performances and update more frequently than the Stock ROMs do.

#2 – R#2 – Rooting Android Device(s) – Removing pre-installed OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) apps:

Every Android phone comes preloaded apps directly from the manufacturer. Some of them are useful, but most of them are useless, because everyone has own priority and you cannot even remove them unless you root your phone. Once you root your android device, all those preloaded apps can be removed and you will get the most of your android device.

 #3 - Rooting Android Device(s) – More internal storage and Storage option:

 One of the main purposes of rooting your android device is to free up some internal device(s) storage. People with low-end internal storage device(s), with root, you can transfer applications to the SD card. You know some applications can be transferred by default, but without rooting your devices, you can’t transfer all the applications because of an un-rooted device typically blocks you from doing this. Once you rooted your device(s), you can forcefully move an app with a symbolic link.

        #4 – Rooting Android Device(s) - Installing incompatible apps:

You see more often that your android device(s) is not compatible with some of the best apps. But, here comes the rescue The Root, by Rooting your device(s) you can access to all those. And more exciting part of the Rooting device(s), you can even get the latest Android updates on your device(s) before your phone maker releases its own. Some of the apps require root access, which is generally more powerful in-rich features than the other apps. These apps directly dealing your Android system files, tweaking your Android system more extensively than other surface-level apps.

          #5- Rooting Android Device(s) - Greater battery life and speed:

While most of the above benefits are largely choice-based, this one has more practical benefits. Rooting your Android device(s) can be helpful to unlock the full potential of your android device(s). You can use apps like Greenify (one of the best battery saver app) to close useless apps running automatically, improving your - life. Greenify actually does not require root access.

  #6- Rooting Android Device(s) - More tweaking:

With Rooted Android device(s), you can configure and optimize your android device(s) for customization and better performance. Android device(s) can be tweaked to a great extent, that is why it is so popular in the first place. It’s Depend on what you want with your Android device, you can make several changes to look your android device more good looking.

        #7- Rooting Android Device(s) – Ad-blocking for 

Ad-blocking is simple on a web browser, but it gets more complicated on a smartphone. Pop-ups are considered a bigger problem in most apps and games, but rooting your device(s) takes care of it all.
These are some advantages to root your android device(s). Let's Root android device(s), by rooting we can unlock our android device(s) full features and get most from it.
 Now Be A Master Of Your Own Phone.

Related Searches: Disadvantage of Rooting Android Device(s).