Disadvantage of Rooting Android Device(s)

ii        In the last post we discussed the advantage of rooting android, you always know "With the ascent comes to the descent" so the advantages come with along disadvantages, you amazed after rooting your device(s). But after some time you may realize that rooting is not worthy, so before its too late, know the disadvantages of the rooting device(s).

 #1 - Rooting Android -It can brick your device:


 oirick your device

             The most common threats with a rooted Android device(s) is malfunctioning, which could turn your android device(s) into an expensive, unusable brick(surface) Better to avoid this, you should always download your apps from reliable sources i.e, Google Play, and always pay attention avoid  not to delete that files, rooting apps suggest not to delete. If you are new to rooting, the chances are high you could bricking of your android device(s). Always suggesting that before rooting your android device you get all details knowledge to root your android device properly.
             If you miss any step or flash a corrupt file, you will likely end up with a bricked device. Unfortunately, if it happens, you have to fix your device at the manufacturer’s service center or u can fix by yourself if you are capable to fix it.

#2 - Rooting Android – No more warranty:


              One of the biggest disadvantage of rooting your android device the fact that you lose your android device(s) warranty. Android Device(s) makers will not cover the damage because you root the device or the phone was bricked while it was being rooted.
In some probably high-end devices, you can still unroot the device after rooting so that device makers do not know. On the other hand, but if the device makers want to find out that the device is rooted or not, they will go deeper to find out.

#3 - Rooting Android Root and superuser access:

ooting Android – Root and superuser access
                 Rooting your android device(s) may be unlocked most features, can control your android phone, rooting your phone u can customize and be amazed, but if the things go wrong you have to pay penalty. CPU clock can also be a disadvantage. Overclocking CPU increases processor speed and can maximize performance but there is also some risk come like overheating your device processor, you all know that processor is the main part i,e, human heart. Maybe your device(s) becoming a heart patient.

 #4 - Rooting Android – Tweaking risks:

weakingRisk is there with tweaking your device. After root, you will like to adjust some certain settings. In this case, the bad thing is that you will brick your device(s), but  a situation may come after rooting your device(s), another likely situation is that nothing will happen.
There is always the possibility to get the wrong kernel or ROM, which generates its own problems, so your device could end up bricking. You know fix all these problems can consume a lot of money and time.

  #5 - Rooting Android – Update problems:

d – Update problems
              The best thing about unrooted android devices is that the system update, no matter when it comes, will definitely install and work well. There is no such risk with an unrooted device(s) in comparison to a rooted device(s) in enrolling the system updates.
 You may find sometimes that automated firmware updates may not be working. The reason is software modifications made during the rooting process itself.
             As you read above there are some disadvantages to rooting your phone. But if you want to root your android device(s), have some detailed knowledge of rooting your device(s). On your priority, you can root your device(s), but Root with Cautions.
            Related Search: Advantage of Rooting Android Device(s)