We love our WhatsApp the most. Are not we? But probably, once you have used Telegram too. We often hear that Telegram outperforms WhatsApp. So the curiosity always been there to know, Is Telegram really better than WhatsApp. Telegram vs WhatsApp, I have used both WhatsApp and Telegram. From my experience, I could tell you who outperforms who, and most of the people will agree to me. In this article, we will discuss WhatsApp and Telegram, and try to figure out who is really best.
I actually have been using WhatsApp for several years since its origin and that I was thinking wow completely different experience those days when I was having Symbian OS. I actually have started using Telegram 2-3 years back. I would really like to inform you what I experienced, Telegram is far better than WhatsApp.
So Security-wise, both, Telegram and WhatsApp serves the same, but in Telegram you'll be able to use secret chat and self destruct at any time. However, WhatsApp has QR code verification that comes with unique 60 digits no.whereveras others cannot access it.
has magnified the members of the group from 100 to 256, whereas in Telegram, they increased from 5000 members up to 100,000
WhatsApp has a broadcasting facility and additionally, video calling facility whereas in Telegram you've got a feature referred to as “ Channels “ that the creator or administrator only maybe able to send Infos or messages or files whereas added members who joined the "Channels'' can not interlink, this facility is not present in WhatsApp. You can join up to five hundred channels subscription as well as the supergroups you've got joined.
However, in Telegram, the file size for everything is about up to 1.5 Gb, which is quite some size in comparison to WhatsApp, even files ending in different formats.
If you're asking regarding securing backups, I'd provide a thumbs up to Telegram wherever you'll be able to simply duplicate or copy or leave the messages and files because it is, all the media files are kept automatically within the internal memory of the phone, naturally by default and you may able to scan out the messages if you didn’t delete the past history with no encryption keys which is quite difficult WhatsApp.
Telegram features a relatively secure framework that has currently been updated to supply the user a lot of management over the chat backups. This feature is out there for the Telegram Desktop version wherever the user will log in and generate a backup that may be saved in JSON or HTML format.
To get the backup, the user must update the app on a regular basis and the Telegram web of Telegram. You'll be able to select what type of data, you want to backup. In addition, you see Telegram Passport, which let users save their personal identification, secure by an end to end encryption.
However, in WhatsApp it's quiet difficult to open the secured backup chats, as you would like to try to to the backup and restoration by using the following method.
Available here the way to copy and restore your WhatsApp messages with Google Drive. Wherever you would like to use decryptor and additionally google cloud to rewrite it.
I actually have been using WhatsApp for several years since its origin and that I was thinking wow completely different experience those days when I was having Symbian OS. I actually have started using Telegram 2-3 years back. I would really like to inform you what I experienced, Telegram is far better than WhatsApp.
Safety Measurements:
In safety measurements, how safe WhatsApp video call? WhatsApp messaging service, using Signal Protocols and it has AES 256 E2E coding whereas Telegram also comes with similar AES 256 E2E coding, however, the advantage here is. It's a cloud base, with unified continuous sync. So, the messages are kept within the cloud, until we delete our data permanently.So Security-wise, both, Telegram and WhatsApp serves the same, but in Telegram you'll be able to use secret chat and self destruct at any time. However, WhatsApp has QR code verification that comes with unique 60 digits no.whereveras others cannot access it.
Group Limitation And Broadcasting:
WhatsApp has a broadcasting facility and additionally, video calling facility whereas in Telegram you've got a feature referred to as “ Channels “ that the creator or administrator only maybe able to send Infos or messages or files whereas added members who joined the "Channels'' can not interlink, this facility is not present in WhatsApp. You can join up to five hundred channels subscription as well as the supergroups you've got joined.
Limitation in sending Media and Document:
In WhatsApp, {you can|you'll|you'll be able to} able to transfer the media file up to 16 MB and also the doc files ( doc / Xls / ppt/pdf) for up to a hundred MB file and if you wish to transfer quite a 100 MB you'll be able to either split the files into 100 MBs, after that you can transfer it as an alternative you'll be able to hook up with Dropbox or Box ( cloud storage) to use it.However, in Telegram, the file size for everything is about up to 1.5 Gb, which is quite some size in comparison to WhatsApp, even files ending in different formats.
Editing And Footnotes:
Like WhatsApp, Telegram too has emojis, gifs and adding links. In WhatsApp, you don't have the option text editing nor it permits footnotes to be enclosed. Additionally, you'll be able to add stickers, produce stickers and bots in Telegram. Whereas, in WhatsApp, you can not add or produce stickers or bots simply. You would like to access no.s or contacts that were kept as bots.Location and Backup:
Both WhatsApp and Telegram has the ability to share live location whereas from 15 minutes to 8 hours that is equal currently.If you're asking regarding securing backups, I'd provide a thumbs up to Telegram wherever you'll be able to simply duplicate or copy or leave the messages and files because it is, all the media files are kept automatically within the internal memory of the phone, naturally by default and you may able to scan out the messages if you didn’t delete the past history with no encryption keys which is quite difficult WhatsApp.
Telegram features a relatively secure framework that has currently been updated to supply the user a lot of management over the chat backups. This feature is out there for the Telegram Desktop version wherever the user will log in and generate a backup that may be saved in JSON or HTML format.
To get the backup, the user must update the app on a regular basis and the Telegram web of Telegram. You'll be able to select what type of data, you want to backup. In addition, you see Telegram Passport, which let users save their personal identification, secure by an end to end encryption.
However, in WhatsApp it's quiet difficult to open the secured backup chats, as you would like to try to to the backup and restoration by using the following method.
Available here the way to copy and restore your WhatsApp messages with Google Drive. Wherever you would like to use decryptor and additionally google cloud to rewrite it.
Payment Transfer Facility:
In WhatsApp payment transfer facility is on the market however in Telegram you would like to attach via third party access. In this case, WhatsApp stays best like G-pay.
Another fascinating issue is WhatsApp permits you to read receipts whereas Telegram doesn’t permit you to read receipts.
Telegram permits users to use their own Gmail account from inside the app whereas, in WhatsApp, you can share or export. You'll use your email service within Telegram account exploitation bots like Youtube, Gmail, etc. Whereas in WhatsApp, nothing like that.
Telegram, permits users to upload status or scribbles or photos or videos to be shown for thirty seconds underneath the standing Updates section whereas in Telegram, you can't upload the status or pictures or videos.
WhatsApp has business account facility that vanishes in Telegram except for people who want it.
WhatsApp, no doubt, is the most popular messaging client around the globe but in my point of view, Telegram outperforms WhatsApp.
No matter other options that weren't checked in Telegram, however and that they certainly keep updating for better user experience.
Another fascinating issue is WhatsApp permits you to read receipts whereas Telegram doesn’t permit you to read receipts.
Switching Accounts:
Telegram offers switching account option, mean Telegram permits users to change phone no.s on their same app which suggests several accounts can beside in the same app whereas WhatsApp doesn' t offer this option. Either you would like to delete it or modify the no.which mean you can't use each the accounts at an equivalent time.Telegram permits users to use their own Gmail account from inside the app whereas, in WhatsApp, you can share or export. You'll use your email service within Telegram account exploitation bots like Youtube, Gmail, etc. Whereas in WhatsApp, nothing like that.
Nowadays we updating our Status every now and then, WhatsApp compared withTelegram, permits users to upload status or scribbles or photos or videos to be shown for thirty seconds underneath the standing Updates section whereas in Telegram, you can't upload the status or pictures or videos.
Calling Facility:
WhatsApp, however, it offers a crucial advantage, specifically the power to form voice and video calls, whereas, in Telegram, you get only the voice call option. WhatsApp also provides Group calling option.Privacy and Business Account:
WhatsApp shows the precise time of the last access (a helpful feature for the curious ones ) and permits you to form Stories as a profile image however assume this facility is avail in Telegram.WhatsApp has business account facility that vanishes in Telegram except for people who want it.
I personally used both apps and I've using WhatsApp since the times of beginning in Java until now, and for some recent years I am using Telegram too. I would love to inform you in person, in my personal opinion and reference, Telegram is way Superior to WhatsApp in several perspective.WhatsApp, no doubt, is the most popular messaging client around the globe but in my point of view, Telegram outperforms WhatsApp.
No matter other options that weren't checked in Telegram, however and that they certainly keep updating for better user experience.